You can often find barcode on packages of our daily use commodities, such as drink, meat, snack, toys, books, etc. A commodity without a barcode may make shoppers hesitate to buy. Because they may hold the opinion that this good is not up to standard. Therefore, each standard good should have barcode. But there exist a kind of products that barcode can not be printed on, namely, garments. Any irrelevant information is not allowed to be printed on garments. At this time, barcode labels are in urgent need attached to garments that make them believable.
Backed by state-of-the-art machinery, the latest barcode printing equipment and strict inspection system, we Sinicline is capable to manufacture an assortment of barcode labels with different materials in color, size and shapes. Depending on customers’ requirements, each barcode label will play different role in garment accessories. Talk to our specialists and discover how we can help you make a lasting impression on shoppers.
We have maintained longstanding business relationship with famous brands, which all appreciate our barcode labels for their high quality, orderly printing barcode, and fadeless color. With their encouragement, we have made further progress and always kept ourselves updated technically and aesthetically to provide the most perfect barcode solutions.
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